Accu-Sort Model 30

Accu-Sort Model 30
Accu-Sort Model 30


$695 - $995 (view stock)



The Accu-Sort Systems Model 30 Bar Code Scanning System can be interfaced with an optional decoder which handles all logic required to to read bar codes.

The standard features include Operator LED indicators and front exit scanning to scan codes in front of, instead of below the reader.

The Model 30 is designed with many powerful features that make bar code scanning easier to implement and maintain.

Optional features include high speed scanning, decoder, raster scanning, vibrating vane to adjust the width of the raster pattern, presence detector: Photoeye, TTL, Form A, or Form C signal indicating the object is within scan head field-of-view.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description
30-90-Decoder $895.00 1 Used includes integrated decoder back& 90 angle
30STD $995.00 47 New (Old Stock)
30STD $695.00 2 Used DB9 Power Connector
30STD-Decoder $895.00 1 Used includes integrated decoder back
Categorysort descending Models
Industrial Decoders Accu-Sort Model 9000
Full name:
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
511 School House Road
Telford, PA 18969-1196
(800) BAR-CODE
Support phone:
(215) 723-0981