Telxon 5313

Telxon 5313
Telxon 5313


The Telxon 5313 is the benchmark scanner for durability and ruggedness. With its standard shock-absorbing rubber boot (cap), it can survive multiple 6 ft drops onto concrete.

It's spring-return trigger, high-impact optics, layered electronics, and enhanced cable strain relief help make the Telxon 5313 the ideal scanner in heavy use industrial environments.

Due to its lightweight design, the 5313 reduces user fatigue while providing a high level of accuracy with virtually no substitution errors.

Telxon 5313 Features include: Enhanced depth of field - 0 to 40-inch (1 m); Power conservation mode to extends your handheld's battery life; Very aggressive scanning of difficult-to-read barcode; Wide operating temperature range for freezer to high-temp usage; Built-in self diagnostics for extended field life; High visibility option for scanning in bright sunlight applications.

Buy Part# MSRP Price QOH Condition Branded

5313-2017 $295.00 Used POSData

5313-240501 $1,295.00 $295.00 Used

5313HP-3417 $295.00 Used
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350