Telxon 5310

Telxon 5310
Telxon 5310


The Telxon 5310 is a high quality scanner known for it's durability and ruggedness.

With the Telxon 5310's standard shock-absorbing rubber boot (cap), it can survive multiple 6 ft drops onto concrete. It's spring-return trigger, high-impact optics, layered electronics, and enhanced cable strain relief help make the Telxon 5310 the ideal scanner in heavy use industrial environments.

The Telxon 5310 barcode scanner is recognized around the globe for fast, accurate bar code reading and reliability. The Telxon 5310 was engineered with an ergonomic design to ensure comfort for extended periods of time.

The Telxon 5310 offers outstanding performance, durability, reliability and convenience for the retail POS environment.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description Branded

53101055 $295.00 Used Non-Decoded Telxon

5310HP1055 $295.00 Used Non-Decoded Telxon

5310HP1058 $295.00 Used Non-Decoded

5310HP1155 $295.00 Used

H5310IP4343 $395.00 New (Old Stock) Non-Decoded
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350