Symbol NP-4046

Symbol NP-4046
Symbol NP-4046 Spectrum24®



Symbol's NetVision NP-4046 Data Phone: Increase Productivity Improve Service Reduce Costs with the Ultimate Wireless VoIP and Data Network Appliance. The NP 4046 the wireless device that does almost everything.

This Data Phone from Symbol Technologies combines voice communication text messaging voice intercom data capture bar code scanning an embedded thin client and an IEEE 802.11 compliant radio card to offer ultimate mobile computing communications in a single lightweight device.

Integrated with Symbol's award-winning Spectrum24 wireless local area network (WLAN) the NP 4046 NetVision Data Phone provides scalable dynamic in-building connectivity.

The Symbol NP4046 is based on the most forward looking wireless IP based packet-switched technology known as VoIP and provides high-quality service supported by the ITU H.323 standard.No longer do your workers need to carry a pager plus a cell phone and a data device in order to stay in touch and deliver prompt customer service.

Buy Part# MSRP Price QOH Condition Comes with

DP-4046-100-US $599.00 $225.00 Used

DP-4046-100-WW $599.00 $325.00 New (Old Stock)

KIT-NP-4046-100-US $525.00 New (Old Stock) Charger, Power supply

NP-4046-100-EU $599.00 $325.00 New (Old Stock)

NP-4046-100-US $599.00 $325.00 New (Old Stock)

NP-4046-100-US $599.00 $325.00 Used

NP-4046-300-WW $599.00 $325.00 New (Old Stock)

NP-4046-300-WW $599.00 $225.00 Used
Full name:
Symbol Technologies
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350