Symbol PPT-4540

Symbol PPT-4540
Symbol PPT-4540 Spectrum24®





The PPT 4500 's standard 486/100 MHz processor supports Microsoft® Windows® 95, making this hand-held computer a powerful, easy-to-use tool that turns data into information.

The internal compact flash disk allows you to store applications and data without compromising performance.

In addition, the PPT4540 's large 7.2"/18.2 cm diagonal screen combines a brilliant color display with a fluorescent backlight for easy readability. Plus, the PPT4540 weighs less than two pounds, making it Symbol's lightest, most powerful hand-held pen computer in its class.

Models include: PPT-4500 and PPT-4540.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description

PPT-4540-0RFW0099 $795.00 Used Spectrum24
Categorysort descending Models
Access Point Wireless Symbol AP-4111, Symbol AP-4131
Adaptor Wireless Symbol LA-4121, Symbol LA-4137
Mobility Server Wireless Symbol MS-1000
PC (PCI,ISA) Cards Symbol MicroAP
Power Supplies Symbol 50-24000-006
Transceivers Wireless Symbol CB-1000, Symbol CB-2000, Symbol CB-3000, Symbol CB-3020
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Symbol Technologies
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