Kronos 540 Terminal

Kronos 540 Terminal
Kronos 540 Terminal


$995 - $1,195 (view stock)



The Kronos Model 540 batch terminal is a lightweight, battery powered, hand-held portable data collection device.

Data is entered from the keyboard, an integrated laser scanner, or an attached laser scanner.

The Kronos 540 is ideal for bar code data capture in a wide variety of industries and applications.

Example include shelf price audits, price checking, order entry, inventory control, shipping, picking and receiving.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Sold separately
3600501-002 $1,195.00 1 New (Old Stock) Battery
3600501-002 $995.00 3 Used Battery
Categorysort descending Models
Desktop Cradles Kronos 540 Cradle
297 Billerica Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
(978) 250-9800
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