Symbol PDT-3240

Symbol PDT-3240
Symbol PDT-3240 Spectrum24®





The Symbol PDT3240 is similar to the the PDT3200 and communicates via Spectrum 24 wireless RF. It features an integrated, PC-compatible, 32-bit, 386 microprocessor with programmable speed of up to 25 MHz that accelerates data collection and then quickly redistributes the data into your network.

It complies with open architecture standards and features the latest ROM-DOS 6.22 operating system, so there's no need to learn proprietary programming languages.

With 2 MB RAM and 1 MB of Flash memory, the Symbol PDT-3240 is ideal for data-intensive applications.

By placing an ATA Flash card into its user-accessible PC card slot, the Symbol PDT3240 holds up to 64 MB of memory to support the most demanding batch applications. Or, simply install Symbol's Spectrum24® PC Card to integrate Symbol's latest generation wireless LAN technology.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description
PDT32403240S084099 $1,495.00 3 New (Old Stock) 2MB RAM, 2MB FLASH, 8Line, 41-Key, Spectrum24
Categorysort descending Models
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Full name:
Symbol Technologies
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