DataMyte 501
The ASI DataMyte Model 501 data collector is an ergonomic handheld unit that weighs under one pound. The 501 has become a factory workhorse for industrial data collection, statistical process control and torque audit applications worldwide.
Standard features include a red/green/yellow LED display which provides visual indication of in/out of spec conditions and caution alerts for operators. A standard internal warning buzzer also serves as a warning indicator.
The 501 features an LCD panel to display collected information, with a back light option for use in low-light conditions. The design features keys oriented for either right-or left-hand operation, and the contoured grip reduces operator fatigue and the likelihood of motion injuries.Designed to survive a four foot drop, the 501 is also rugged enough to resist damage from pooled oil, water-based cutting fluid, abrasives, dust,metal chips and filings.
The rugged yet lightweight unit is the ideal solution for torque audits, especially when a portable device is required. It is designed to collect data from a wide variety of torque wrenches, torque transducers and rundown tools.
Cables, batteries, power supplies and other accessories are sold separately unless otherwise stated.