Symbol Model 2900
The Symbol Model 2900 Base Station enables remote radio frequency communications of older generation Symbol RF data terminals such as the MSI 1530. Ideal for receiving, shipping, inventory, warehouse and picking applications, it adds RF capability at a very affordable cost.
Data scanned or keyed is immediately transmitted to the Base Station and sent to the host computer.
The Model 2900 has two RS-232 ports and one RS-422 port to support multiple host computers.
The 2900 RF base station can also relay information from the host computer to the remote data terminal.
Full name:
Symbol Technologies
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Web site:
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350
Cables, batteries and other accessories are sold separately unless otherwise stated.