Symbol 3115-000

Symbol 3115-000
Symbol 3115-000

The Symbol 3115-000 Communications and Charging Cable Adapter facilitates communications between a Symbol PDT 3100 terminal and a host when a cradle is not available.

It provides power directly to a terminal from a wall-mounted power supply for battery charging and flash EPROM programming.

The 3115-000 cable is shipped set for RS-232 communications with a PC (full duplex null modem), and can also be used with a modem or printer by modifying the communication setting.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition

3115-000 $110.00 New (Old Stock)

3115-000 $95.00 Used
Categorysort descending Models
Portable Data Terminal Symbol PDT-3100, Symbol PDT-3110, Symbol PDT-3142
Full name:
Symbol Technologies
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350