Symbol CyberPen

Symbol CyberPen
Symbol CyberPen





The Symbol CyberPen (Cross NetPen, Model IP2000) combines the functionality of a bar code scanner and the size, weight and general appearance of a Cross® pen.

Small, lightweight, and portable, this data collection system offers the optimum in convenience and ease of use. To scan a bar code, the user simply presses an ergonomically positioned button on the scanning side of the Cyber-Pen and sweeps the wand tip across the symbol.

The LED on the pen changes from red to green and the pen provides a clearly audible beep to indicate a successful read.

Typical applications include sales force automation, office supply management,home-office automation,catalog shopping, home grocery applications, Internet-ordering applications,and bridal/gift registry.The CyberPen scans from 3"/7.6 cm to 35"/88.9-cm per second and reads both Code 128 and UPC/EAN/JAN.It also stores up to 100 average sized bar codes in non-volatile memory.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Comes with
IP2000 $795.00 3 New (Old Stock) Pen, Dock, Cable
Full name:
Symbol Technologies
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One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350