Telxon PTC-870-IM

Telxon PTC-870-IM
Telxon PTC-870-IM





The Telxon PTC-870IM is a Vehicle Mount Terminal that is designed to help manage and communicate critical business information in harsh, rugged environments.

The durable PTC870IM is protected by a NEMA 4 case which attaches to a vehicle or fixed workstation with a heavy-duty industrial bracket. Inside the rugged exterior, a 486 SLC 50MHz microprocessor provides industrial-strength computing power for the most demanding and complex applications.

The PTC-870IM boasts a specially designed VGA Electro-Luminescent or Transmissive display,enhanced with Telxon SelecTouch technology, speeds the operator through application routines with the touch of a finger. Even gloved hands have no problem entering data on the oversized, detachable keypad.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition

PTC-870-IM $1,095.00 Used
New name:
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
(800) 722-6234
Support phone:
(800) 653-5350