BayTech 524
The BayTech 524A multiport controller allows one RS-232-C serial port on a host computer to access up to four devices on a single controller, and up to 96 devices by cascading controllers.
Separate input/output buffers and UARTs on the 524 enable the user to receive and transmit data simultaneously on all ports, and mix and match devices of different configurations.
The 524A has one 25 pin host port and four 25 pin peripheral ports.
Port selection is accomplished through software control.
Buy | Part# | Price | QOH | Condition | Description |
524A | $495.00 | Used | 1 host port,4 peripheral ports. 25 pin | |
524DS | $495.00 | Used | 1 host port,4 peripheral ports. 25 pin |
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Bay Technical Associates, Inc.
5239 Ave A
Long Beach Industrial Park, MS 39560
(800) 523-2702
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Cables, batteries and other accessories are sold separately unless otherwise stated.