Bass 85-4386

Bass 85-4386
Bass 85-4386





The Bass 85-4386 hand held terminal offers a range of features and functions while providing the flexibility and utility needed to capture, process, and move information for today's mobile computing data management applications.

Productivity-enhancing features include a 4-line by 16-character back lit LCD, a full alphanumeric non-shift keyboard and a bar code scanner port which accommodates a detachable pencil wand, CCD or laser scanner.

The Bass 85-4386 hand held terminal has an attachable scan head for easy data entry.

Whether used for receiving, quality control monitoring, inventory management or route sales,the Bass 85-4386 will efficiently handle your organization's unique data collection jobs.

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description

85-4386 $495.00 Used Scanner Head, Wand, Case