AIT PV-200
AIT's PV 200, the world's most popular Machine Readable Travel Document(MRTD) Reader is used daily by government agencies and airlines on every continent in the world.
It is an industry-leading reader that sets the standard for reliable and flexible document processing, along with an unparalleled upgrade path and performance and security capabilities that are second-to none.
The PV-200 incorporates advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to read and process biographical data in less than two seconds per document.
This data can be stored and compiled into a passage manifest system or developed into an easily accessible cross match system.
Full name:
AIT Corporation
New name:
3M Center Building
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
(888) 364-3577
Support phone:
(800) 581-2631
Cables, batteries and other accessories are sold separately unless otherwise stated.