AccuTime CS2105

AccuTime CS2105
AccuTime CS2105 Cyber Series







The CS Series CS2105 time clock is compact, rugged, and powerful. The display features a 2-line LCD, which is easy to read from wide viewing angles and in a variety of lighting conditions. Customizable prompts are shown in the display to guide the employee through the labor tracking transaction. The date and time appear when the time clock is not in use. A heavy duty polycarbonate window protects the display area.The sealed membrane keypad allows for key input even while wearing gloves. A cast aluminum enclosure coated with epoxy resin paint protects the circuitry from environmental conditions.

Three LED indicators provide user feedback for a valid read (green), invalid read (red), and low power condition (yellow).

Buy Part# Price QOH Condition Description Branded Color

CS2105/05 $695.00 Used Biometric Reader, MagneticStripe Reader Ceridian Blue
Full name:
Accu-Time Systems
420 Somers Road
Ellington, CT 06029